Multi-school analytics functionality
Multi-school analytics is a major topic when looking at MIS functionality.
Multi-school analytics is a major topic when looking at MIS functionality.
Arbor have announced that they will be discontinuing both ScholarPack and Integris MIS systems in February 2026
Qhat staff on the front line in schools and MATs think about the way in which their MIS affects things in their schools.
How does your MIS platform enhance data security and protect against the latest cyber threats, ensuring compliance with GDPR and other relevant regulations?
Juniper Education is launching a new Management Information System (MIS) which it states is ‘a fresh alternative designed to address the specific needs of UK schools’.
We asked all MIS providers what they’re doing to continually Improve system interoperability. We also asked if they have a user group of schools & MATs to provide feedback.
Now we’re in the summer holiday period, we thought it worth asking what release plans MIS providers have.
UK Management Information System (MIS) providers must continuously update their products to keep pace with the rapidly evolving technological landscape and the dynamic needs of their users.
Alliance between IRIS and PAGS set to streamline SEND management in schools and offer more comprehensive support to neurodiverse learners.
It has been announced today that TimeTabler has joined the MIS Division at The Key Group. The Key Group is home to a number of leading, school-focused software brands including Arbor, The Key, and GovernorHub.
We asked the MIS providers how they handle data migration in light of recent announcements relating to the inappropriate use of backup files.
WhichMIS? is an online publication for schools, multi-academy trusts and the wider education industry.
It aims to present a balanced view of the MIS landscape in the UK, with views from all the key market players, as well as reviews, the latest news and expert commentary.
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