MIS data migration
We asked the MIS providers how they handle data migration in light of recent announcements relating to the inappropriate use of backup files.
We asked the MIS providers how they handle data migration in light of recent announcements relating to the inappropriate use of backup files.
Procuring your MIS is just the start – managing and maintaining a School Management Information System (MIS) is a critical task for educational institutions. MIS systems play a pivotal role in managing student data, staff information, and various administrative processes and need to function efficiently at all times.
Are IT, Admin & Data professionals, and the specific nature of technology roles in schools and MATs, given enough weight in the wider discussion about staff wellbeing?
We think they certainly should be. Which is why we wanted to shine a light on the wellbeing of IT, Admin and data professionals in schools and MATs across the UK.
If you had chosen a new MIS provider and, after migrating, realised that it wasn’t quite what you had hoped, would you have the courage to admit your mistake?
We received many comments about the ethics of local authority support teams receiving referral fees. We thought we’d clarify the difference between a referral fee and a ‘kick-back’.
In our MIS directory we list 18 different systems currently available in the UK, some specialising in the Independent sector, whilst others are stronger in
You may have seen a recent blog by our friend and colleague Nick, from Finnemore Consulting, entitled ‘What’s next for school support teams?’
The article made us think about the ethics of referral payments within this context.
Capita’s response to ESS’s claims of copyright infringement and breach of contract in relation to the provision, through Capita, of SIMS to schools in Northern Ireland.
As we explained previously, Capita is facing the threat of an injunction over their provision of the SIMS software to schools in Northern Ireland, with
According to an article in the Telegraph on Saturday (12th Aug), (Capita faces injunction threat over ‘pirated’ schools software (telegraph.co.uk)), Capita is threatened with an
WhichMIS? is an online publication for schools, multi-academy trusts and the wider education industry.
It aims to present a balanced view of the MIS landscape in the UK, with views from all the key market players, as well as reviews, the latest news and expert commentary.
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Discovery, Specification, Procurement and Implementation; our team of MIS procurement experts can manage all these phases for your school or MAT. Discover more at @SAA_Show when you book a free 1:1 no obligation chat. Book your meeting slot here: https://calendly.com/twp2023/whichmis-bett-2024?month=2024-11