MIS market churn – Spring 2024 (part 1)
The data from the Spring 2024 census has now been published and we can see the latest MIS movements across English state schools.
The data from the Spring 2024 census has now been published and we can see the latest MIS movements across English state schools.
Parental engagement tools in UK schools are designed to foster better communication and collaboration between parents and educators, enhancing the overall educational experience and outcomes for students.
When UK schools contemplate transitioning to or replacing an online Management Information System (MIS), they should be vigilant about several critical data security concerns.
It has been announced today that TimeTabler has joined the MIS Division at The Key Group. The Key Group is home to a number of leading, school-focused software brands including Arbor, The Key, and GovernorHub.
Procurement of a new Management Information System (MIS) is a significant undertaking for any school or Multi Academy Trust (MAT) and professional advice at every step of this journey is paramount.
The Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) is delving into potential misconduct by Education Software Solutions Ltd (ESS), amid suspicions that the company may have abused its dominant position.
WhichMIS? is an online publication for schools, multi-academy trusts and the wider education industry.
It aims to present a balanced view of the MIS landscape in the UK, with views from all the key market players, as well as reviews, the latest news and expert commentary.
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