MIS providers and system interoperability

We asked all MIS providers what they’re doing to continually Improve system interoperability. We also asked if they have a user group of schools & MATs to provide feedback.

Welcome to the beginning of the new academic year and we hope you all managed to get a break over the summer.

We thought we’d wait before starting this term’s series of articles to allow schools to manage the new intake and allow a period of time to settle into the new term.

We appreciate that a number of schools and MATS are considering the ever growing churn in the MIS sector, so if you are thinking of changing your MIS, please read our Key Considerations when thinking of changing your MIS.

As usual, we ask all MIS providers the same questions and we list the responses received in alphabetical order below:

As part of our continuous efforts to improve system interoperability, Bromcom is always looking at different ways to enhance processes.

Timetabling is a good example of where we know there are users who want to import data from third-party software, like a timetable into the MIS, and we are actively looking for ways to streamline the exchange of data.   

Our system interoperability is a real priority for us, so we make sure that we regularly publish any changes and updates we make to our APIs, so that other parties can connect to them and extract data.

When we add new functionality to our software, any data fields are added to existing API endpoints and if we create anything new, we update the export files that you can export out of the system.

We work closely with many different third parties and external providers and if a new API is required, we make it easily available so third parties can extract data.  

Compass has a suite of API endpoints to allow third parties to access the data held within the system for bespoke and onward analysis as needed.

We also have direct integrations with a number of key data partners including Wonde, GroupCall, Locker & Salamander which makes available hundreds of possible integration points.

We work closely with the DfE to ensure that we are always offering a rich and broad-reaching dataset to allow schools to adapt to any future reporting requirements. Lastly, we work directly with Microsoft and Google to allow Compass to sync and integrate with wider curriculum and classroom systems.

SIMS state that they offer a more comprehensive set of application programming interfaces (APIs) and a wider range of integration options than any other MIS on the market. 

The SIMS APIs are used by well over 100 third party technical integrators (TIs), a number of whom read and write data from and to SIMS on behalf of numerous other application providers.  Together these TIs make over 5 billion calls to the SIMS APIs each month.

The SIMS APIs provide access to a much wider range of data than that made available by our competitors and underpin our commitment to seamless interoperability with third-party applications and systems.  That commitment is backed up by our partnership and technical teams, who offer dedicated support and guidance to TIs, including assistance with, and accreditation of, their integrations with SIMS and FMS.

As a result, SIMS integrates with more third-party applications and systems than any other MIS, to the benefit of thousands of schools.  Furthermore, our commitment to open and comprehensive APIs means that schools who wish to move MIS can do so confident that all their data will be available for migration. For more information, visit SIMS-partners.com

Looking Ahead: 
We are enhancing interoperability by transitioning to fully web-based APIs while maintaining existing integrations. Our goal is to improve data and service integration, enabling richer, more efficient connections between SIMS and third-party solutions. 

Do you have a user group of schools & MATs to provide feedback? 
Yes, we engage with a user group of schools and MATs to gather feedback on our interoperability efforts. This ensures our solutions evolve to meet their needs. Additionally, we collaborate with our TI community, who offer key insights into school needs based on their product interactions with SIMS.  By listening to both schools and partners, we drive better interoperability and efficiencies, benefiting both schools and our joint customers. 

Furlong SchoolBase logo

Over our 20+ years of supporting schools with software solutions, interoperability has remained a core focus for the Furlong team. This is vital as our programmes are intended to enable excellence in education.

Without systems working cohesively and offering integration with different tools, this is simply unachievable.

Each of our software solutions allow cloud-based access.

They also work as standalone tools or connect seamlessly with other platforms.

From our fee-billing software FeeMaster, which integrates with well-known accounting packages including Sage and Xero, to the SchoolBase MIS which works with a range of technology additions, secure data exchanges are considered with every phase of development.

To keep our platforms interoperability-friendly, with the Furlong API, users can select third-party software without the worry of having to duplicate data from one system to another. With integrations including Wonde, Firefly and SOCS as just the tip of our connectivity iceberg, schools can use our tools to suit even the most unique of requirements.

To ensure the right level of tech collaboration is available, we have a team of in-house testers.

We also regularly seek feedback from our schools, with an example being a user-group meeting that was held before the Summer. During these forums, we encourage open discussions and share our unique industry insights to ensure that any future releases align perfectly with the needs of busy schools.

HUB MIS logo

With HUBmis, we are committed to enhancing system interoperability, ensuring that our platform seamlessly integrates with other essential tools and systems within Independent and International Schools.

To achieve this, we have implemented several key features:

  • Read and Write API: Our robust API allows for comprehensive data exchange between HUBmis and other platforms, facilitating smooth integration and interoperability.
    • We do not gate keep access to our API.
    • We allow both HUBmis customers and third parties access at no additional cost. We do this as HUBmis is simply the data processer, but the school remains the data controller; we believe schools should have data freedom wherever possible.
  • HUB-Excel Integration: We offer direct integration with Excel, enabling users to effortlessly export data, making data management more flexible and efficient.
  • Wonde Integration:
  • HUBmis also integrates with Wonde, a leading platform for school data management, further enhancing our interoperability by allowing secure and streamlined data sharing with other educational systems.

Back in 2016 we set up several GO 4 Schools hub schools, these were schools who were advocates for our product and wanted to share their processes and use of GO 4 Schools to others. 

They did presentations to share exemplar practice and offered training sessions in the use of and the embedding of our modules. 

These Hub schools were also privy to the early development of new features and UI so they could review the workflow and give feedback that went straight back to our developers. 

Although we have pulled back on our hub school network due to constraints and pressure on school admin staff, we still have a network of schools that want to see new functionality in the early stages and give very honest feedback. 

This also ensures we pick up on key decisions data managers need to make and their preferred workflow via the UI. 

This continues as we develop our MIS as we currently have schools that have viewed mock ups of functionality so their feedback comes at the very earliest stages of development.

We hope to continue to reach out to those users who are most impacted by the features we incorporate, the pilot schools signed up for the initial phase of launch will be central to supporting the future direction and priorities of the new GO 4 Schools MIS.

Veracross is one truly unified platform, built upon a single-record architecture meaning Veracross modules require no integration to work together.

Whilst Veracross offers comprehensive solutions for every major school department, we also believe that schools should have the choice to use the solutions that work best for them.

Veracross provides APIs for third-party solutions and works with over 200 partners such as Microsoft School Data Sync, Wonde, and Firefly.

Offering a variety of integration methods to suit our schools’ needs.

Our integration capabilities include three Open APIs, such as the Veracross API, an open bi-directional API that uses industry standards such as OAuth 2, JSON, and HTTP, and includes both a data API and an authentication API (SSO).

Our OneRoster API supports the industry standard OneRoster data framework so that Veracross can integrate with key LMS partners such as Canvas and Google Classroom.

Schools have robust security controls, allowing them to determine which endpoints each supplier can access, providing granular control over their own data. 

Systems requiring a manual integration can be supported using import and export options, which also allow for scheduled data exports to specified locations such as email addresses or SFTP servers. This can be used across a wide range of the Veracross modules.

Ongoing interoperability is a core part of our ongoing product strategy, and we work closely with all our clients to ensure any current and future integration requirements are known, be that direct via our Customer Success team, as well as via our Veracross Connect annual conferences.

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