Tag: Procurement

BETT 2024 review

In recent weeks we’ve been posting a fair amount about BETT which took place between 24th and 26th January at ExCel London.

This year over 40,000 visitors from more than 140 countries attended the event. The overall exhibition space seemed smaller than last year and was split over two halls.

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The importance of good business ethics

MIS Market Ethics

Over the past couple of months, we’ve published four articles on the topic of ethics in the MIS market. Now that there’s more churn than ever before, we think that all providers should ensure that no barriers are put in the way. However we’ve had sight of the latest missive from ESS to their SIMS Support Units which makes some worrying points. 

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MIS Market Churn – Winter 2023

The census data is in, and the new MIS market share stats are here!

Our thanks, once again, go out to our good friend Joshua Perry who analyses each set of census data and provides insights into the MIS market players, how many schools they have, the ‘winners and losers’ etc. in his blog which we urge you to read.

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MIS Referral Fees – Comments from Industry Insiders

On the 29th November we published part 3 of a series of blogs relating to MIS referral fees, or as some people have said ‘Kickbacks’

In a supporting LinkedIn post we asked for comments, and in this final blog on the subject we thought we’d share some of these comments.

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Managing your Management Information System (MIS)

Procuring your MIS is just the start – managing and maintaining a School Management Information System (MIS) is a critical task for educational institutions. MIS systems play a pivotal role in managing student data, staff information, and various administrative processes and need to function efficiently at all times.

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