Delta Academy Trust and Bromcom
At the recent ‘Bromcom at The Shard’ event, Ian Gilsenan, Delta Academy trust’s Data Director, explained why they chose Bromcom and how they use it
At the recent ‘Bromcom at The Shard’ event, Ian Gilsenan, Delta Academy trust’s Data Director, explained why they chose Bromcom and how they use it
WhichMIS? is an online publication for schools, multi-academy trusts and the wider education industry.
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The last of our series of MIS provider interviews at Bett is with Chris Kirk, Chief Commercial Officer @Bromcom, who talks about their new and existing customers >> @chrisjameskirk #mis #bett2024
We had the pleasure of speaking with Phil Roberts, Chief Commercial Officer at @ParentPay and @SIMS_ESS at #bett2024. Watch the interview to hear his take on the #MIS market >>